This Year, Transparency, and Testimonials

This year threw us all for a loop. We adjusted, then adjusted again. Gung Ho Ministries was closed for a total of five weeks from the middle of March to the end of April. Then in May we went to private appointments only and then on June 1st we had the green light to open with limited capacity and that has been what we have been doing since. We are so happy that we were able to stay open for majority of 2020.

GHM Has Not Given Up

Although this year was unpredictable GHM has not given up on its mission. We did $64,348.87 in total outreach for our veterans. This included helping with their rent, utilities, deposits and apartment application fees. We have also over the year helped many families who have lost their belongings in fires and families in need of food, clothes, or resources.

Facebook: A Big Part Of Our Success

A big part of our success this year has been the Facebook live videos we do Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays at 4pm and Saturdays at 9:30am. We sell all types of items from clothes to home decor. These videos brought us half of our income for the year, if not more. If you do not already, please follow us on Facebook at GHM Boutique where the Gung Ho Variety Show goes live every week and other product photos are posted.


As a test to what we do and to be as transparent as possible these are testimonials from a VA social worker that speaks about how GHM has helped veterans.

“I was working with a USMC Veteran who was deployed to Afghanistan twice, his wife left him while he was deployed and upon to leaving the Marines left his two children with him. The Veteran worked full time but could not keep up with all the bills and being there for his children during a time when they needed him the most. He became behind on his bills and found himself behind on his rent facing eviction. He reached out for assistance and was very timid to ask – I assured him I knew an organization that would not only understand what he is going through but would also understand him wanting a hand up not a handout. I sent Tanya a message and before the Veteran left my office, Tanya graciously replied she would be happy to assist. Working with Tanya and everyone at Gung Ho makes really helping Veterans move forward a real reality and I appreciate what Tanya and her team do.” -Melissa (VA Social Worker)

“It was Friday afternoon on the 5th day of the month, I had a Veteran come into my office desperately afraid and feeling like he had failed his family. He explained that he was laid off of work and had been working temp jobs and taking public transportation for hours across the city in order to get enough money to pay for his families rent and was short a couple hundred dollars. I reached out to Tanya explaining that he had a new permanent job pending but could use assistance with rent in order to avoid eviction and she was able to help and get the family a check in order to stay in housing. ” -Melissa (VA Social Worker)

We continue to be grateful everyday for our generous and thoughtful volunteers and customers. You are what keeps us going and believing that there is good in this world when we come together. THANK YOU.

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